Once again the actor and politician Radha Ravi made a controversial remark against lady superstar of Kollywood- Nayanthara and actor-politician Udhayanidhi Stalin. It is known news that in 2019 when Radha Ravi had commented on Nayanthara, the political party disowned and dismissed him temporarily. Recently, speaking on the sidelines of a rally organized by the BJP- Bharitya Janatha Party in connection with the forthcoming Assembly elections Radha Ravi said that his words were misunderstood by the people as he claimed that he had not degraded the actress Nayanthara in the past.
Ahead of assembly elections, the politician Radha Ravi commented on Udayanidhi Stalin, with whom he had worked while he was in the previous party. The actor and politician Radha Ravi said that he does not care if Udhayanidhi and Nayanthara are in a relationship. The speech and video of Radha Ravi’ comments are going viral on social media and the fans of Nayanthara are calling it ‘disgusting’.
On the work front, Nayantara will next be seen in the Malayalam film Nizhal, costarring Kunchacko Boban. She is also a part of three Tamil films like Netrikann, Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth starrer Annaatthe and Vigensh Shivan’ directorial venture Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaadhal starring Samanth Akkineni and Vijay Sethupathi.
— Bhaskaran Mahesh (@bhaskaran_) March 31, 2021
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