After ‘Rowdy Baby’ from Tamil actor Dhanush starrer action and romantic drama Maari 2, another song featuring Fidaa and MCA fame Sai Pallavi has created quite a rage on the Internet. We are talking about the song ‘Saranga Dariya‘ from the upcoming romantic drama titled Love Story which is helmed by Sekhar Kammula. In this film Sai Pallavi is sharing the screen space with Akkineni Naga Chaitanya. The track ‘Saranga Dariya’ is entirely shot on Sai Pallavi and Maari 2 girl is showing her dancing prowess. Now according to the latest update, the song ‘Saranga Dariya’ is unstoppable in Telugu Film Industry as it has racked up 100 million views , thus making it the fastest song to reach this milestone.
Sai Pallavi’ dance moves and expressions, Mangli’ voice, foot-tapping music are highlighted. The folk song is originally composed and crooned by Komala Totte, while the movie song was sung by Mangli and lyrics are penned by Suddala Ashok Teja whereas it has the music by Pavan Ch. Apparently, the team of Love Story has credited and paid Komala Totte for using the song in Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi starrer.
During the media interaction, Suddala Ashok Teja explained the meaning of ‘Saranga Dariya’ as someone who ‘adorns the sarangi instrument’.
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