Yesterday Mega Power Star Ram Charan celebrated his birthday and wishes poured on him from all corners. The makers of ‘Acharya’ released a special poster that featured Ram Charan with Chiranjeevi while fans organized a huge event last night. The team of ‘RRR’ also released a poster of Ram Charan as Alluri Seetharamaraju. Ram Charan celebrated his birthday on the sets of his upcoming drama RRR. The makers shared photographs of the birthday celebration on Twitter. In one of the photographs, SS Rajamouli is seen feeding the birthday cake to Rangasthalam fame Ram Charan, who looks extremely happy.
On Ram Charan’ birthday, his photograph was also featured at the New York Times Square with “Happy Birthday Mega Power Star” as tagline. His wife Upasana shared the photographs on her Twitter account that went viral on the Internet.
On the work front, while Acharya will hit the theaters on May 13, in which Ram Charan is playing the role of Siddha and will romance with Pooaj Hegde. The movie is helmed by Koratala Siva and it also has Chiranjeevi and Kajal Aggawral in the lead roles. Ram Charan is also the part of SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus RRR, which stars Jr NTR, Olivia Morris, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn.
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