Nani who is popular for his natural performance, is busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming drama Tuck Jagadish. Yesterday Parichaya Vedika was conducted by team of Tuck Jagadish in Rajahmundry and introduced the entire cast and their roles in the film Tuck Jagadish.
Tuck Jagadish family members
Nasser: father Adi Sesha Naidu
Amma: Arjunamma
Jagapathi Babu- Bose Anna
Rao Ramesh- Devudu Bava
Naresh- Sattibabu Bava
Rohini- Kumarakka
Devadarshini- Gangakka
Aishwarya Rajesh- Chandra niece
Jyothi, Neelaveni and Nithya are the family members of Tuck Jagadish.
Nani took the blessings of a mother, who is playing Arjunamma in this film, as he has the sentiment of taking his mom’s blessings before attending his film events. On the otherhand Arjunamma applied the tilak on the forehead of Nani.
On this occasion, Gentleman star Nani said, “I missed the crowd and the sounds. I am really happy to meet my fans again. One fan shouted at me saying, ‘Nani I am a big fan of you. If you don’t agree for a picture with me, I will stop the shooting of the film. Only the people of Rajahmundry can give such sweet warnings to me.”
Tuck Jagadish helmed by Shiva Nirvana, is slated to hit the theaters on 23rd April.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood