Yesterday Mega Power Star Ram Charan celebrated his birthday. The social media was flooded with wishes for Rangasthalam star. While makers of his films shared new posters of the actor to make his birthday more special, photographs and videos of Ram Charan’ birthday celebration were all over the internet. However, everyone was shocked when photographs and videos of New York’s iconic Times Square displayed 3D images of Mega Power Star Ram Charan on the occasion of his birthday.
On the occasion of Ram Charan’ 36th birthday, a video of Magadheera star featuring some of his iconic posters was displayed on the gigantic billboards of NASDAQ, which is located at the Times Square in New York. Ram Charan is the first South actor to bag this honor on popular arena.
On the work front, Ram Charan is working with Rajamouli for much hyped film RRR and the makers of RRR had also unveiled a new poster of the actor flexing his muscles in the attire of revolutionary freedom fighter Alluri Sitarama Raju, and he was seen holding his bow and arrow up into the sky.
Yesterday the makers of Acharya also released a poster that featured Chiranjeevi with comrade Ram Charan who is playing Siddha.
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