Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn is celebrating his birthday today on 2nd April and on this occasion, the makers of his upcoming film RRR unveiled the first look poster in the form of motion poster, whereas Ajay Devgnas a freedom fighter is seen chanting, “Load, aim, shoot.”
Ajay Devgn is surrounded with a group of men holding guns in their hands, aiming at him. Ajay Devgn is sporting rugged look and the blood is flowing from his forehead. Recently on the occasion of Alia Bhatt’ birthday, the makers released her first look as Sita.
RRR which is set in 1920s India, is being helmed by SS Rajamouli, is being made on the lavish budget of Rs 400 Cr. The story of RRR is written by director SS Rajamouli and his father KV Vijayendra Prasad.
Ajay Devgn will appear in flashback portions of the film. The sources close to the team of RRR revealed that Dilwale actor Ajay gave the nod within minutes of the narration. Though it is an extended cameo, his track will remind one of his National Award-winning performance in The Legend of Bhagat Singh in DVV Danayya’ production venture.
The film RRR starring Jr NTR and Ram Charan will release in Telugu along with the dubbed versions in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and other Indian languages on 13th October.
Empowering his people is his defining characteristic. His strength lies in his emotion.
Presenting the poweRRRful avatar of @ajaydevgn in #RRRMovie. #RRR @ssrajamouli @tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan @aliaa08 @DVVMovies
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) April 2, 2021
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