It is known news that Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently busy with the shooting of ”Hari Hara Veera Mallu” which is being directed by Krish Jagarlamudi of Kanche fame. Tipped to be a period action-adventure, the shoot of this movie which has Nidhhi Agerwal in the female lead role, is progressing at a brisk pace. “Hari Hara Veera Mallu” has number of high voltage action sequences.
Recently the Krish started the shoot of action sequences for this film which are being choreographed by stunt director Sham Kaushal. Today morning the makers of Pawan Kalyan starrer “Hari Hara Veera Mallu” released the on location still that are displaying the dedication level of Gaabar Singh fame Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan Kalyan is seen getting the training with a Pole arm under the supervision of Shifu Harshh of Warrior Monk Academy.
Pawan Kalyan has also undergone a complete makeover from head to toe and he is impressing fans with his new look. The film ”Hari Hara Veera Mallu” is presented by AM Ratnam and is backed by Dayakar Rao under the banner of Mega Surya Productions.The makers are planning to release Pawan Kalyan and Nidhhi Agerwal starrer film of ”Hari Hara Veera Mallu” on the occasion of Sankranti 2022.
Dedication levels of #PSPK @PawanKalyan
7am run through wit d ‘shaolin warrior monk‘ Shifu Harshh @verma_h @shaolinwma before getting into d costume for an exciting action sequence wit #Master Action Director @shamkaushal09 n the Cult @DirKrish #VeeraInAction #HHVM
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) April 2, 2021
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