Adivi Sesh, who is known for his work in Telugu blockbusters such as “Goodachari“, “Evaru” and “Kshanam”, is currently working for an upcoming much awaited movie Major. Now according to the latest update, the makers of Major postponed the release of the movie due to the second wave of Coronavirus and the lockdown. The Pan-India film Major was suppose to release on 2nd July. However, Major’ makers have decided to postpone it. Adivi Sesh and the makers of Major the film confirmed the same by releasing a statement. The statement reads: “Our movie Major, which was originally slated for a worldwide theatrical release on 2nd July this year, is now postponed to a later date.”
The upcoming drama Major starring Adivi Sesh is based on the courageous life of Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the NSG commando who rescued hostages in the Mumbai 26/11 terrorist attack. Major is helmed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, and by superstar Mahesh Babu’s G Mahesh Babu Entertainment in partnership with Sony Pictures and A+S Movies.
Apart from Adivi Sesh, the film Manoj also has Sobitha Dhulipala, Saiee M Manjrekar in the crucial roles.
Few days ago, Adivi Sesh shared a video on his Instagram where he was seen lifting the weights.
#ReleaseDay of #MajorTheFilm will be my PROUDEST moment.
So Let’s celebrate when times get better. Safer.Maamulga undadhu. I Promise #JaiHind @saieemmanjrekar @sobhitaD @SonyPicsIndia @GMBents @urstrulyMahesh @AplusSMovies @SashiTikka @MajorTheFilm#MajorSandeepUnnikrishnan
— Adivi Sesh (@AdiviSesh) May 26, 2021
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