After action drama Saaho, now Young Rebel Star Prabhas is coming up as a lover boy in an upcoming film Radhe Shyam which has dusky siren Pooja Hegde as the leading lady. The romantic drama Radhe Shyam has been shooting for two years but the leaked footages from Prabhas starrer in the form of spoilers are making their way on social media. Recently, two leaked videos of Radhe Shyam have surfaced online, which are going viral. In one of the video, Prabhas is seen walking on a street in Italy whereas in the other video, the actor is seen prepping for the shoot in the other one.
It seems the makers of Radhe Shyam are recreating the epic European sets for the movie and giving it a vintage touch.
Prabhas is playing the role of a palm reader Vikramaditya whereas Pooaj Hegde is playing Prerana in Radha Krishna Kumar’ directorial venture which is being bankrolled by UV Creations.
Apart from the lead pair, the romantic drama Radhe Shyam also has Priyadarshi, Bhagyashree, Krishnam Raju, Sachin Khedekar, Murali Sharma, Kunaal Roy Kapur, Sathyan, and Sasha Chettri in crucial roles. Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao is the editor, Manoj Paramahamsa is working as the director of photography whereas Justin Prabhakaran is composing the music of Prabhas and Pooja Hegde starrer.
Good Night Everyone
Blessing Your Night #Prabhas #RadheShyam #PoojaHegde @gvprakash
— WIZU! (@Wizu_ragazzacia) May 24, 2021
Unseen #RadheShyam
— BALU DARLING (@BaludarlingHere) May 23, 2021
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