Legendary Telugu actor Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, who is popularly known as NTR, would have been 98 years old today if he were alive. On the birth anniversary, many celebrities and politicians have been paying tributes to NTR on social media, who left behind a legacy both in the politics and the film industry. As a mark of respect to his father NTR, Nandamuri Balakrishna came up with the idea of releasing his latest song Sri Rama Dandakam as a singer. It is his tribute to NTR.
Finally Sri Rama Dandakam by Nandamuri Balakrishna on the occasion of NTR’ birth anniversary is out.
Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao left his sub-registrar (government) job to pursue opportunities in the acting in 1940s. He made his screen debut in a minor role of a police officer in Mana Desam which was released in 1949 and the rest is history. NTR first lead role was Palletoori Pilla. Kadiri Venkata Reddy’s film Pathala Bhairavi gave him to superstardom, and NTR never looked back.
Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao- NTR is regarded as one of the best actors in the Indian cinema. Tributes are pouring on social media as fans are sharing the photographs and about his best work for the Telugu people.
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