Last year, Kajal Aggarwal tied the knot with a businessman Gautam Kitchlu. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Kajal Aggarwal has decided to reduce her remuneration. After getting married, usually offers began to dry up for heroines. Though few married actresses like Samantha is flooding with the offers in the film Industry but Kajal Aggarwal in not in much demand but she has few big budget movies in her kitty.
Now according to the latest report, Magadheera and Nene Raju Nene Mantri fame Kajal Aggarwal has taken a crucial decision to slash her remuneration, post wedding. To gain more offers, Kajal Aggarwl has reduced her remuneration and now she is charging half the amount of her previous paycheck.
On the professional front, Kajal Aggarwal will be seen playing the female lead in Chiranjeevi-starrer much-awaited film, Acharya. Koratala Siva’s directorial venture also has Ram Charan and Pooja Hegde in the crucial roles.
She is also playing the female lead in Kamal Haasan starrer big budget drama Indian 2, which is being directed by Shankar. Recently she also signed an upcoming untitled film which has Nagarjuna in the lead role and it is being directed by Praveen Sattaru of Garuda Vega fame.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood