In view of the scarcity in supply of medical oxygen, Megastar Chiranjeevi has come up with an initiative to launch ‘oxygen banks’ across the Telugu states. As announced, Acharya star has launched his mission from today at Hyderabad. The initiative – Oxygen banks has been launched through the Chiru’ non-profit organization Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust.
Few days ago, Chiranjeevi had tweeted, “In current Coronavirus situation to prevent the deaths from the lack of Oxygen supply Chiru has decided to start Chiranjeevi Oxygen Banks at district level. The efforts are on to make the operational within a week time. Covid 19 India Help, ChiruForCovidhelp.” Finally today morning Chiranjeevi launched the Oxygen bank.
Today, Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust shared a video of the actor waving a green flag for the noble cause. According to Megastar the Oxygen Banks will be available to the public in Khammam, Karimnagar and the five other districts from tomorrow.
Megastar has teamed up with Ram Charan, to undertake the initiative. They will be working along with fan clubs in each district of Telugu states to monitor the current situation.
Last month, Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy fame Chiranjeevi had announced that he would be helping Coronavirus patients who are looking for convalescent plasma donors by helping them connect with the eligible persons.
Mission begins. Let there be no deaths due to lack of life saving oxygen. #Covid19IndiaHelp #ChiranjeeviOxygenBanks @AlwaysRamCharan
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) May 26, 2021
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