It is a known fact that Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu has collaborated with Trivikram Srinivas for a project, which is expected to go on the floor soon. Trivikram is planning to show Mahesh Babu in an ultra-stylish in his upcoming directorial venture. Now the reports are coming that the upcoming film of Mahesh Babu will have three actresses and they are none other than Nivetha Thomas, Pooja Hegde and Janhvi Kapoor.
Nivetha Thomas was last seen playing the crucial role in Power Star Pawan Kalyan starrer Vakeel Saab, the remake of Bollywood movie Pink. Trivikram Srinivas who is very impressed with her performance, wants to rope in his film. Apart from Nivetha Thomas, the makers are planning to rope in another two heroines and they are considering the name of Janhvi Kapoor, the daughter of Boney Kapoor and late actress Sridevi, and Pooja Hegde for the roles.
It is being heard that Boney Kapoor is trying his best to introduce his daughter Janhvi Kapoor in Telugu film Industry and if everything goes accordingly, she will be seen romancing Mahesh Babu.
On the work front, Mahesh Babu is currently working for Sarkaru Vaari Paata under the direction of Parasuram which has Keerthy Suresh as the leading lady.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood