According to the latest report, SS Rajamouli’ much hyped movie RRR starring Young Tiger Jr NTR and Ram Charan has been postponed. The reports are coming that the big budget drama which is bankrolled by DVV Danayya under the banner of DVV Entertainment, will not release on 7th January 2022. Though the team of RR is promoting the movie in different cities but as Delhi, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra and other cities have imposed restrictions on cinema halls, Rajamouli has decided to move back.
UK Senthilkumar is the cinematographer while MM Keeravani is composing the music. The film derived from KV Vijayendra Prasad’s tale also has Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn, Iris actress Olivia Morris, while Samuthirakani, Alison Doody, Ray Stevenson and Shriya Saran in the crucial roles.
Alia Bhatt is playing Sita and the love interest of mega power star Ram Charan whereas Olivia Morris is essaying Jennifer and she is paired opposite Young Tiger Jr NTR in RRR. Recently during the media interaction, Alia Bhatt revealed that Ram Charan and Jr NTR themselves dubbed for their character for the Hindi version of RRR.
According to SS Rajamouli, the interval block of his magnum opus will have high octane action sequences with the emotional scenes.
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RRR: Time locked for Rise of Ram- Raamam Raaghavam
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— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 1, 2022
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