Deepthi Sunaina was one of the contestant of the second season of the reality show Bigg Boss 2 Telugu which was hosted by Natural star Nani. Both Shanmukh and Deepthi are popular as a couple on social media, they did several short movies together. The sources say that they were in a relationship during the 2nd season of the Bigg Boss Television show as well. Shanmukh went to the Bigg Boss 5 show and got close to an actress named Siri. Recently it was also heard that the couple had broken up. Now, Deepthi Sunani has confirmed that she has broken up with her boyfriend Shanmukh by sharing an emotional post on her Instagram.
Deepthi Sunaina and Shanmukh were inseparable before the latter stepped into Bigg Boss 5 Telugu. However, his equation with inmate Siri was mired in controversies.
Deepthi Sunaina had been sharing cryptic posts, notes and the videos on her Instagram handle, dropping enough hints that all is not well between her and Shanmukh. And finally today on the occasion of new year, she made official announcement regarding her break up with Shanmukh. The youtuber Shanmukh is yet to respond on her post.
Finally Deepthi Sunaina has officially confrimed about parting ways from each other.
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